In today's competitive embroidery market, Kongkim's 2-head and 4-head embroidery machines offer the perfect blend of efficiency and quality for businesses seeking to enhance their production capabilities.兩種強大的解決方案Kongkim 2頭繡花機提供了理想...閱讀更多 -
通過我們的Kongkim A3 UV DTF技術徹底改變您的印刷業務
In the ever-evolving world of custom printing, Kongkim A3 UV DTF (Direct to Film) printers have emerged as a game-changing solution for businesses seeking versatility and high-quality output.這些創新的機器正在改變我們如何處理定制產品裝飾和小批量產品...閱讀更多 -
In the ever-evolving world of advertising printing machine, the need for high-quality, durable, and environmentally friendly printing solutions has become essential.生態溶劑打印機已成為希望創建引人注目的戶外P ...的企業的流行選擇。閱讀更多 -
熱壓機是一種多功能工具,它徹底改變了我們在各種材料上創建自定義設計的方式。 This multifunctional machine can handle everything from t-shirts to mugs, making it an essential piece of equipment for DTF Printing business owners. W ...閱讀更多 -
近年來,直接面向電影(DTF)印刷技術在美國市場上已獲得了大量的吸引力,這是有充分理由的。 Several factors contribute to the growing popularity of our DTF printer machines among USA customers, making them a preferred choice for busin...閱讀更多 -
隨著節日季節的臨近,為萬聖節,聖誕節,新年和其他假期打扮的興奮使人感到興奮。表達您的度假精神的最具創造性的方法之一是通過定制的服裝,五顏六色的DTF打印機電影已經出現為...閱讀更多 -
印刷技術的最新創新:Kongkim A1 UV打印機
本週,非洲客戶訪問了我們檢查我們升級的版本KK-6090 UV打印機。 he much satisfied with our printer extraordinary constructure , printing smoothly , especially much impresived by our technicains professional service, looking for their visting again...閱讀更多 -
為什麼選擇我們的Kongkim Dye-Sublimation打印機來打印?
本週,我們的中亞客戶之一經過幾年的合作訪問了我們。他們已經訂購了2套昇華打印機,並繼續向我們訂購打印物品。在我們的會議上,他提到已經對各種用品進行了測試(來自中國,我...閱讀更多 -
在現代印刷技術領域,生態溶劑打印機已成為遊戲規則改變者,尤其是在海報印刷領域。這些打印機使用的是對環境有害的環保墨水,而不是傳統的溶劑墨水。產生ST的能力...閱讀更多 -
Sublimation printing is like the magic wand of the printing world, turning ordinary fabrics into vibrant masterpieces.From fabric printing to jersey printing, a dye-sublimation printer can work wonders on a variety of items that will make you say, "Why didn't我想...閱讀更多 -
在當今的全球市場中,吸引來自不同國家和地區的客戶對於業務增長至關重要。本月,我們看到來自沙特阿拉伯,哥倫比亞,肯尼亞,坦桑尼亞和博茨瓦納的遊客都渴望探索我們的機器。所以,如何...閱讀更多 -
這是我們的Kongkim KK6090 60*90cm高端A2 UV打印機詳細信息。 1.With visual positioning function, just casually place the product on the printing platform,scanned by the camera,then can quickly identify ...閱讀更多