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Tunisian customers keep support KONGKIM in 2024

Happily, recently, a group of Tunisian customers had a pleasant meeting with old and new friends, and they shared their positive experiences using KONGKIM UV printer and i3200 dtf printer. The meeting was not only a happy reunion, but also an opportunity for technical training and discuss the new trends in the printing market.

acrylic sheet printing machine

Tunisian customers are happy to recommend KONGKIM to their friends, emphasizing the excellent quality and performance of the sticker printing machine. They expressed satisfaction with the printer's ability to produce vibrant and durable prints on a variety of materials, and satisfied with our technical support. So this time our old client recommended his friend to know our machine for printing shirts.

custom t shirt printing machine

All in all, the pleasant meeting with old and new friends, coupled with the enthusiastic recommendation of KONGKIM acrylic sheet printing machine and custom t shirt printing machine, reflects the deep friendship between Tunisian customers and KONGKIM. 

i3200 dtf printer.

The exchange of experience, technical training and unwavering support solidify their partnership and pave the way for continued growth. This heart-warming recognition is a testament to the exceptional quality and reliability of KONGKIM t shirt press and printer and UV printer. Looking forward to have a great meeting with you too!

sticker printing machine

Post time: Mar-12-2024