Our new KK-604U UV DTF printer attracts a special guest from afar—our old friend from Madagascar. With full enthusiasm, they once again stepped through our doors, bringing with them a fresh vitality and camaraderie.

For many years, we have maintained a close working relationship with this friend from Madagascar. With their trust and support, our collaboration has never wavered. And today, the return of this old friend has brought us great joy.
During this rare reunion, we enjoyed tasting Korean cuisine together, experiencing the deliciousness of exotic flavors. Sitting at the table, we not only savored Korean kimchi, Korean BBQ, fish cake soup, and other delicacies but also took the opportunity to discuss the nuances of our cooperation and future development.

It is understood that the 4 head DTF printer printing business of our Madagascar friend has been thriving in recent years, with daily orders exceeding 200 custom clothing orders, a testament to the success of our collaboration. DTF printers(digital shirt printer) are specially used for clothing printing, regardless of polyester, cotton, or chemical fiber materials.

During this visit, he considered a UV machine to print bottles, cards, headphones, etc. We have KK-3042U UV phone case printer and KK-604U UV roll-to-roll impresora uv dtf printer. After he inspected the machines many times in our showroom and considered the practicality, finally the friend expressed interest in purchasing another one of our printers to expand production. This not only signifies recognition of our products but also affirmation of our long-term partnership. And technical training through technicians in our showroom.

We deeply understand that the success of our clients is our success, and we will continue to work together to explore broader markets. With mutual efforts, we believe that our collaboration will usher in a brighter future!
Post time: Mar-09-2024