
OEM / ODM kaihangar kiriata t-shirt dilting dtf Trigital Transter Tranter Trance Dtf Price DTF tika ki te Kaituhi Kiriata me te XP600 Tiriti

Whakaahuatanga poto:

Te Pūnaha Ai.1 Bhyx Poari o Haina

Pūreretā tino ki te whakawhānui i te pakihi tā T-Shirt

Te punaha tohatoha ma me te 24 haora te kaiwhakahaere o te waa

Free tauira tauira me o hoahoa

Te utu: t / t, union uniana, utu i runga ipurangi, putea.

Kei a matou he whare karakia i Guangzhou mo te kanohi ki te whakangungu, he tino whakangungu ipurangi.




Ko ta maatau kaupapa tuatahi ko te tuku i o maatau kiritaki he hononga pakihi iti, e tuku ana i te whanaungatanga ki a ratau mo te T-Shirt Disting DTF Tranter DTF Transten DTF , Mo etahi atu raraunga, tukuna koa imeera ki a matou. Kei te rapu matou i te whai waahi ki te awhina i a koe.
Ko ta maatau kaupapa tuatahi ko te tuku i a maatau kiritaki he hononga pakihi iti, iti rawa atu ki a raatauChina T Shirt Tripter me te Kaituhi Panui, Tena koa mai i o patai me o awangawanga mo a maatau hua. Kei te tumanako matou ki te whakatu i tetahi hononga pakihi mo te wa roa ki a koe i te wa e haere mai ana. Whakapā mai ki a mātou i tēnei rā. Ko matou te hoa pakihi tuatahi i roto i to keehi!

Te kounga teitei 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheads dtf Pet Pert-01

Na te ngaio, na reira kowhiria

Ko matou te mea nui i roto i nga kaikorero mamati e hanga ana neke atu i te 12 tau

Te kounga teitei 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheads dtf Pet Perf Raional-06 (9)

He kaihanga matou

Kei roto i a Guangzhou me tetahi o nga kamupene ahuwhenua taapiri e arahi ana; Kei a maatau kamupene te rangahau hangarau me te whakawhanaketanga ngaio me te roopu o muri, ka nui ake te putanga o te tau 5000;

Kounga Nui 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheds dtf Pet Perf Raional-06 (11)

Taipitopito miihini

Kounga Te Kounga 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheds dtf Pet Perf Livil-06 (1)
Te kounga teitei 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheads dtf Pet Perf Raima-06 (2)
Te kounga teitei 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheads dtf Pet Perf Raima-06 (3)
Kounga Nui 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheds dtf Pet Perffil-06 (4)
Kounga Nui 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheds dtf Pet Perffil-06 (5)
Te kounga teitei 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheds dtf Pet Perf Raima-06 (7)
Te kounga teitei 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheads dtf Pet Perfeter-06 (6)
Te kounga teitei 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheads dtf Pet Perfeter-06 (8)

Whakaatuhia nga korero miihini

Te kounga teitei 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheads dtf Pet Perf Raima-06 (12)
Te kounga teitei 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheads dtf Pet Perffil-06 (14)
Kounga Nui 60cm i3200 4720 XP600 Pātaka a DTF Pet Silmin Livil-06 (13)
Kounga Nui 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheds dtf Pet Perf Raional-06 (15)
Te kounga teitei 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheds dtf Pet Perf Raima-06 (16)
Kounga Nui 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheds dtf Pet Perffil Priteter-06 (17)
Te kounga teitei 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheads dtf Pet Perf Raima-06 (19)
Kounga Nui 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheds dtf Pet Perf Raional-06 (18)
Te kounga teitei 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheds dtf Pet Pert-06 (20)
Kounga Nui 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheads dtf Pet Pert-06 (21)
Te kounga teitei 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheads dtf Pet Pert-06 (22)

Te kakano Mamati, he nui ake te ngaio!

Ka whakaratohia e matou nga rongoa taapiri mo koe, ko te pūreretā,waituhime te katoaDtf tāTaha.

Ka arahi koe i te hikoi ma te tahae hei whakarite me te whakawhānuiNga Taonga Taapiri Panui DTFAna!

Te kounga teitei 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheds dtf Pet Perfeter-06 (23)
Kounga Te Kounga 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheds dtf Pet Perffil-06 (25)
Te kounga teitei 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheds dtf Pet Perf Raional-06 (24)

Te utu mo te utu

Ko te utu mo te taapiri iti kia nui ake te painga!

Te kounga teitei 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheads dtf Pet Perf Livil-06 (26)
Te kounga teitei 60cm i3200 4720 xp600 propheds dtf Pet Perf Raima-06 (27)
Ko ta maatau kaupapa tuatahi ko te tuku i o maatau kiritaki he hononga pakihi iti, e tuku ana i te whanaungatanga ki a ratau mo te T-Shirt Disting DTF Tranter DTF Transten DTF , Mo etahi atu raraunga, tukuna koa imeera ki a matou. Kei te rapu matou i te whai waahi ki te awhina i a koe.
OEM / ODM KaihangaChina T Shirt Tripter me te Kaituhi Panui, Tena koa mai i o patai me o awangawanga mo a maatau hua. Kei te tumanako matou ki te whakatu i tetahi hononga pakihi mo te wa roa ki a koe i te wa e haere mai ana. Whakapā mai ki a mātou i tēnei rā. Ko matou te hoa pakihi tuatahi i roto i to keehi!

  • O mua:
  • Tō muri mai:

  • Nga Taonga Kaituhi
    Āhua * KK-700E
    Tiri te upoko * TaketakeI3200-A1 / 4720 Tumuaki-upoko* 2pcs
    Te rahi Mōrahi 700mm
    Te tere o te taapiri (te maha o te A4 T-Shirt Shirt i taia mo te haora) Taumira I3200-A1 / 4720 Taumira
    Takahuri 250 pcs V720x1200DPI
    6Ptu 190 pcs V720x1800DPI
    8Matu 130 pcs V720x2400DPI
    Nga rauemi taera Pet Clvika kiriata / Whakawhiti wera kiriata Vinyl
    Te whakatikatika i te teitei 1mm ~ 3mm Whakatikatika
    Puka tono Tetahi momo papanga / T-shirt / Peke / hu / hu / panting ... etc
    Pūmanawa tā Rorohiko 6.1Prip / Photoprint
    Tuku waituhi Te momo hua o te momo miihini pai tonu
    * Te tohatoha waituhi ma me te whakauru i te punaha
    Ui ana te hiko Tempreture: 18 ℃ ~ 28 ℃; Hākū: 35% RH ~ 65% RH
    Tauira tauira [CMYK + White] Te taarua tukutahi
    Te mana whakahaere AC 110v / 220V 50 / 60Hz; Mana Rawa: 0.8kW
    Rahi mōkihi L * w * h: 2100mm * 740mm * 710mm (kk-700e) 170kg
    Nga miihini miihini paura
    Ingoa Hua Mīhini paura paura
    Kaha AC 110v / 220V 50 / 60Hz; Mana Rawa: 2.5kw
    Rahi mōkihi L * W * H: 1320mm * 930mm * 1220mm 240kg
    Mahi Tere Tere Tere Tere Tere Tere Tere