
नेपाल को कोंगकिम बड़े प्रारूप सब्लिमेशन प्रिंटर की बड़ी आवश्यकता है

और. वे 2 और 4 प्रिंटहेड्स की स्थापना और प्रति घंटे आउटपुट के बीच अंतर के बारे में उत्सुक थे। They worried about the printing resolutions the ball uniform and jerseys because those are the types of clothing they typically print on. The meeting went well and they much impressed with our knowledge and expertise in the digital textile printing field.

NEPAL01 (2) से ग्राहक यात्रा

. They commented on how clean and organized everything was and it made them feel at home. They also appreciate the space we provide for them to view and test our machines comfortably.

NEPAL01 से ग्राहक यात्रा (5)

और. In our company, we strive to create a positive and professional atmosphere for all our clients, no matter where they come from.

पोस्ट समय: मई-24-2023